Scholarship Program

Q. What is the purpose of cse2ksust fund?

A. We raise cse2ksust fund to do some philanthropic activities like giving scholarships to poor and meritorious students. We can extend the scope of our activities in future.

To show respect to the memory of our friend Remon, we propose the fund to be named as 'Remon Memorial Scholarship Fund' from now.

Q. What are the successful events so far?

A. i) In the year 2014, we distributed total amount of 43,000 BDT as scholarships among the children of office stuffs of our CSE department. Here are some photos of the event:

ii) In the year 2015, we have gifted a desktop PC to the lab of our department.

iii) In the year 2018, a loptop is gifted to Sohrab Hossain from EEE, RUET. He is meritorious but poor boy recommended by Amalesh.

Q. How can I contribute to cse2ksust fund?

A. We have a joint account in Dutch Bangla Bank on behalf of our batch. You can deposit your contribution in that account. Here is the details information:

Name of the Account: Md. Shams Arafat, Md. Towhidul Islam

Account Number: 171.101.301600

Dutch Bangla Bank, Sat Masjid Road Branch,Dhaka.

If you find it difficult to deposit at bank, you can send to Bkash account 01911720302 which is owned by Sajib.

Q. How I can contibute if I live in abroad?

A. To contribute from abroad, you can use the Paypal account of Maruf. The account id is

You can also use the online transaction form created by Shehab:

Q. Is there any rate of contribution?

A. We contribute to our fund annually. Back in 2012, when we started the initiative of cse2ksust fund, the minimum amount of contribution was 500 BDT annually. From 2015, the minimum amount of contribution is set to 1000 BDT.

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